Every book I’ve read about baby sleep – apart from Gina Ford who already has the perfect schedule worked out for you – recommends keeping track of when your baby sleeps for a few days or a week so you can see […]
Let me show you how art and culture drive technological development.
Let me show you how art and culture drive technological development.
Every book I’ve read about baby sleep – apart from Gina Ford who already has the perfect schedule worked out for you – recommends keeping track of when your baby sleeps for a few days or a week so you can see […]
Virginia Heffernan wrote about (video-based) web serials for the New York Times recently; she follows up on her blog with a list of recommended serials to try. She’s not been impressed by web serials after lonelygirl15, but continues to be eager to […]
I’m officially on maternity leave again and doing even less blogging – but I’ve been reading blogs more than I was. I’ve found that my iPod touch is a fabulous blog-reading tool for motherhood: it’s small and light enough to be easy […]
Sveip is a television show on NRK 2 that deals with the web and what’s going on online. Siv Helberg, one of the anchors, called me yesterday and asked whether I’d be interested in doing some pieces on blogging with them, sort […]
Alex Halavais just blogged the unsyllabus for a class he’s teaching this semester on communication, media and society. I take it the idea of an unsyllabus is taken from the unconference concept, where participants brainstorm topics and organise discussions instead of listening […]
The tyranny of digital distance is most often experienced by people outside of the United States, who are expected to wait a season to watch the next episodes of a TV series they’re interested in, who are blocked out of online content […]
I would love to go to the Academic Barcamp that’s being held in Urbino in Italy the week before
One of the things I love about blogging is that it combines immediate publication with the archive – and that the people who are directly involved in something discussed on a blog will very often show up and add their point of […]
Good heavens – apparently high school Norwegian textbooks say that Norwegian bloggers often call a blog a “vlogg”. No, nothing to do with video logs, this is supposed to be a short form of “vevlogg”, which would be an optimistic translation of […]
Meet The Truants. A guild of academics who are also trolls, taurens and orcs – and who wrote the articles in Digital Culture, Play and Identity: A World of Warcraft Reader.