My Books

organising political volunteers online

Norwegian politics doesn’t work the same way as in the US – a Norwegian politician using the high drama and emotion of Obama’s wonderful speeches looks foolish in a down-to-earth Norwegian. And because of regulations limiting political advertising, Norwegian elections (thank goodness) […]

digital knitting

I’m totally into Ravelry these days – the social media site for knitters where you can see how 783 people knit a particular pattern in completely different ways, or who buys yarn at the same local store as you do, or which […]

why not show us the effects of our privacy settings?

Noted in my rapid morning reading of RSS feeds: danah boyd writes about Facebook’s complex privacy settings confusing people: “Tech developers… I implore you… put privacy information into the context of the content itself. When I post a photo in my album, […]

State of the Blogosphere 2008

Technorati’s released a new State of the Blogosphere report, and Anne Helmond provides some thoughts on the results and the way they’ve done it this year.

your name here

I don’t seem to be a very good blogger while on maternity leave – but that’s OK, I’ll be back after the New Year when I’m at work again, I’m sure. There are so many things I could have blogged over the […]

straight out of a cyberpunk novel

The group that hacked into Sarah Palin’s email, Anonymous, seems like something out of a William Gibson novel. I’m not sure, but I might prefer to keep them in novel-space.

how newspaper blogs go wrong, a Norwegian web journal that publishes science and research news, has jumped on the newspapers-must-assimilate-blogs bandwagon and asked researchers to blog for them. Unfortunately they don’t seem quite sure what a blog is. Links are rare and clumsy, posts are long, […]

robot cupcakes

build a ROBOT cupcakes! Originally uploaded by hello naomi I might have to make some of these cute robot cupcakes I found on Flickr, via Thimble. Their creator, Naomi, bills herself as “a post graduate uni student who programs robots to play […]

hyperlocal news: gather and report it in one fell swoop

In all the talk about the death of newspapers, people frequently argue that local news will still be of value, and more than that, the hyperlocal stories that couldn’t be covered when space (on paper) was limited. Bergens Tidende, our local paper, […]

tiger oboes

Did you ever think of playing oboe when you were a child? Probably not; in fact, it’s pretty much impossible for a child to play a standard oboe, with its complicated mechanics and steep lung requirements. My sister is an oboist in […]