My Books

personal narratives, corporate templates

Here are the slides I’m speaking from today at the The Network as a Space and Medium for Collaborative Interdisciplinary Art Practice here in Bergen today. There’s already video up from the performances and readings last night, and some ongoing discussion on […]

remix culture: pulling it all together

Today’s class is the second day of students presenting their projects. Two students can’t make it; they’re home sick with h1n1 / swine flu, the poor things. Many students have worried about how to define a remix. The best article we’ve found […]

talk on research dissemination in social media

I just gave a talk for’s seminar about research dissemination/popularisation, Fra forskning til forside v3.0. Here are the slides: Forskningsformidling med sosiale medier View more documents from Jill Walker Rettberg. I had to leave right after my talk, because my Remix […]

is virus of the mind an acceptable source in an academic essay?

A couple of students are writing about how remix videos work as memes, and how they spread, and have asked whether Richard Brodie’s Virus of the Mind is an acceptable academic source to use in their essays. I haven’t read Virus of […]

william gillespie and Travis Alber: MORPHEUS 11

Nick Montfort linked to a rather wonderful new piece that poet William Gillespie (of The Unknown fame and publisher and author at Spineless Books) read from yesterday at the &Now festival: MORPHEUS 11, the story of a poet sent to Alpha Centauri […]

wikipedia academy talk

I’m giving a talk at the Wikipedia Academy in Bergen Oct 14-15, and since it’s the Wikipedia, I thought it would be better form to plot the talk out in a blog post rather than making a shiny Powerpoint. Here’s the abstract, […]

remix culture: reconnecting and planning

The semester is more than half-done and there’s only a little over a month until research papers and videos are due. So Thursday’s class will be about figuring out where we’re up to, making sure everyone has drafted their literature review and […]

remix culture: viral media, mutating media?

Thursday’s class is the last in the series of guided introductions to theories that are relevant to remix culture, and deals with how user-generated media spreads. We’re reading Richard Dawkin’s chapter on memes from The Selfish Gene (1976), which introduces the idea […]

remix culture: vernacular creativity and power

Today’s Remix Culture class is about fan writing, collective writing/creation and vernacular creativity. Students have read these articles: Burgess, Jean. 2006. Hearing Ordinary Voices: Cultural Studies, Vernacular Creativity and Digital Storytelling Continuum, 20(2), pages 201-214. (particularly p 201-207) Jenkins, Henry . 2006. […]