My Books

facebook privacy

We’re working on digital media ethics in DIKULT106, and Facebook’s changes are perfect material for us to discuss in tomorrow’s class on privacy. Here’s ReadWriteWeb’s quick summary of the changes, or you can watch Mark Zuckerberg’s keynote for yourself. (If you’re going […]

ISEA with kids

Academic couples with small children who are interested in the same conferences get to choose between skipping the conference altogether and bringing the kids. Oh, when they’re older we’ll leave them with family (we hope!) but 18 months is young to spend […]

automated online debaters

I was at a meeting in the CIRLinC research group today, discussing our application to be a centre of excellence on the circulation of narratives about climate change, and was fascinated by Helge Drange‘s stories of the automation of climate change debates […]

piracy vs privacy

In a couple of weeks I’ll be teaching a three week module on digital media ethics, using Charles Ess’s book by the same name. I’m especially looking forwards to sessions discussing the ethics of surveillance and the section on global citizenship and […]

archiving and documenting electronic literature

We’re organising an international workshop today on Databases and Bibliographic Standards for Electronic Literature, and I’ve been tweeting away from the ELMCIP account. I’m so impressed at how much work is being done around the world on documenting and archiving electronic literature. […]

iphone app for registering research time

I’ve been beta-testing UiB’s new iPhone app that lets us register hours we work and I’m loving it. For a few years now we’ve been registering time spent teaching according to a set of rules (an hour’s lecture is multiplied by four […]

feeding e-lit to the ELMCIP knowledge base

The ELMCIP project group here in Bergen has been spending a lot of time feeding the Knowledge base of electronic literature over the last few months, and it’s really starting to come together. Look, here’s a screencast I made showing how all […]

what does a great academic blog look like?

My blog desperately needs a makeover. The current design is from 2004 or thereabouts I think, and while I was thrilled at it at the time, it’s messy visually with all the stuff I’ve added (Twitter feeds and delicious links and whatnot) […]

a knowledge base for electronic literature

Today we’ve opened up the ELMCIP Knowledge Base of electronic literature up to everyone – it’s in public beta. It’s definitely still got a long way to go, but there’s enough there now that I think it’s already got a lot of […]