If I simply look back at my writing here since I wondered what my other voices might be, I realise I have changed. My posts are much shorter than usual and they’re a lot more frequent. My sentences recently tend not to […]
Those of you travelling to Melbourne next month, like me, to go to the Digital Arts and Culture conference, may be interested to realise that swimming in the sea in Melbourne now will be a very similar experience to in the sea […]
More thoughts about literary weblogs from Steve, and trackbacks and so on to be followed. I’m looking forward to seeing the paper he’s writing! Another branch of the discussion seems to have veered off to lies and the obligation to tell the […]
I wanted to explore my possible voices. My other voices, the ones that I don’t use here. That I don’t use at all. I’ve shied away from it, written regular posts, manic posts, boring posts, eager posts. I’ve toyed with the idea […]
Video Game Theory Reader is a book I’ll be aiming to get hold of when it’s published in August. Lots of intriguingly titled articles, including one by Markku Eskelinen and Ragnhild Tronstad – they’re independently very interesting people, thinkers and writers, I’m […]
Snigger. After reading my innocent delight in Matt’s transitions, one of my web design students is fretting that perhaps he should put the transitions back in his site in spite of his better judgement. Luckily, he decided not to. Having your lecturer […]
I’m manic today, honestly, look at the number of posts! I think printing out my whole thesis might have something to do with it. Though probably I’m just avoiding stuff. Ah well.
Find a Windows computer. Open Explorer and go to Matt’s site. Click on a permalink so you’re at an individual entry – there, did you get the groovy transition thing? Now click “main” so you go back to the front page again […]
Months and months ago I foolishly agreed to give a few lectures in New Media Theory for the MA in Screenwriting. Since then my busy-ness levels have soared, I’ve realised I’d misunderstood the rates and I’m getting paid a pittance for the […]
Purring Kitty is an interesting-looking bit of software that’ll get your Nokia phone vibrating for as long as you like. Easily bought by SMS from within the UK, but it’s more expensive and more complicated from other countries. I like the idea, […]