My Books


Everything was more or less gliding along in that mode of stress where there’s something to do every minute but things actually work until yesterday afternoon, when, having dinner at my mum’s house with various friends, my daughter’s dad rang to ask […]


My mother, daughter and I laughed so gleefully when we picked up the five copies of the thesis from the copy shop that the copying men smiled back, enjoying the absurdity of photo sessions in a copy shop. It looked just like […]


I just sent the PDF of my thesis to the copy shop. I’m hoping they can make me five copies tomorrow so I can take it up to the university tomorrow afternoon so I can enjoy the rest of the weekend before […]

Salam Pax is back

Salam Pax is posting again, at US$5 an hour. There’s a big backlog of things written while he had no access. I’m almost surprised at how good it is to read something this real again. Yes, I know real is a dangerous […]

friendster demographics

An odd thing about Friendster is its demographics. Based on the members in Norway (these are the only members I browse occassionally, apart from friends of friends) almost everyone’s a designer, a musician, into cool technology or a blogger. Most people in […]

MelbourneDAC bloggers

It’s just 9 days till Digital Arts and Culture 2003 starts in Melbourne, and the conference blog is getting livelier, with more writers – there’s information about Melbourne and the conference, and now we’re getting to the actual conference delegates, as Torill’s […]


Right. I’ve finished teaching for the semester, though I still have email supervision of essay-writing MA students for another week. Tomorrow and Friday I’m fixing all the last typos in my PhD thesis, and shifting round the conclusion a bit. And then, […]

flight risk

Wired writes about a fictional weblog called Flight Risk: it tells the story of a runaway heiress. In the first post and in a box on the front page, the narrator encapsules her story: On March 2, 2003 at 4:12 pm, I […]


“I want to look at X, what theory shall I use?” is a question I’ve not been faced with before. I’ve only been teaching since New Year, you know. Web design and web aesthetics is wrapped up, and what with all the […]

15 millimetres of fame

So I was in Dagbladet today. Suffice it to say that the woman who sold me my copy did not recognise me from the microscopic photo just before the sports pages. The main headline was “De utleverer seg p nettet” (They deliver […]