My Books


I’m thinking of awarding myself a week in the States after defending my thesis, as a prize for being so amazingly impressive and having managed to complete a PhD. (Yes, I know, I haven’t actually got it yet, and it could still […]

updated email narratives

I updated my list of email narratives this morning, with some help from Nick (thanks!). All the commercial efforts at using stories told in email for marketing have given way to sexy webcams, and I don’t know of any new commercial attempts, […]

isea 2004

ISEA 2004 (International Symposium on Electronic Arts) is going to be held August 14-22 on a ferry between Stockholm, Talinn and Helsinki.The works and papers submissions deadline has been extended to September 20 this year. MA students in geophysics go to Utah […]


Letters (weblogs) are secretive, the reader (the writer) is in charge and feels no pressure of the writer’s (the reader’s) presence, and I do believe that a young girl prefers to be alone with her dreams. Or more precisely: Et brev er […]

kind of blue

In the summer of 2001 I received and eagerly read the emails that make up Rob Wittig’s Blue Company, an email narrative. I only just discovered that it had a sequel of sorts, or a homage, Kind of Blue, written by Scott […]


I finally claimed my orphaned essays and publications and linked them from the left sidebar. For some reason I forgot them in my last redesign and yes, it took half a year to get around to the ten minute task of putting […]

kunst og ny teknologi

Oh dear. The Norwegian Council for Cultural Affairs has a website that can only be viewed in Explorer. Unimpressive, huh? However if you do use Explorer, and click “Billedkunst” and then “Bevilgninger” and then scroll to the bottom you get to see […]

almost erased

I’ve been leafing through old boxes of photographs finding forgotten versions of myself. 1992: My second year at university and I’d chopped off my hair, as I do now and then, though inside me I always have long, chestnut hair that curls […]

truth revisited

I just can’t stay away from the truth/facts/reality thread these days despite swearing repeatedly to disregard it (analyse that!), and so I must point out that even William Gibson, a novelist, has people assuming that because he writes something, it must be […]


I always thought Mary Poppins was strictly fanciful and, you know, a musical, but have a listen to the IBM rally song (ca. 1931) and the bankers singing in Mary Poppins will seem utterly realistic to you. Of course there are many […]