My Books

form art

Alexei Shulgin’s Form Art (1997) is a series of patterns and pictures made from buttons, forms and boxes, charmingly subverting their usefulness.


Local elections tomorrow, the only elections I’m entitled to vote in, so I’m surfing, thinking about what I’ll vote. In Norway we have lots of parties represented locally and nationally, and they usually form coalitions. So in Bergen council there’s usually at […]

leaf with raindrops

I try to take pictures of grand scenes, of mountains, cityscapes and fjords, but the images I capture contradict my eyes, foregrounding insignificant objects that I look right past. So I return to small things where the camera’s eye chooses aspects that […]


I went to the theatre this evening and saw a Canadian group try to create community, a space for people to connect and change the world. They cultivated an awkward, grungy, amateurish style telling embarrassed little stories and plucking at their guitars […]


A tribute, already, not from mainstream artists but on a wall of graffiti. Council-sponsored graffiti.

to brilliant

My Volda correspondent just sent an SMS I’m sure she won’t mind my sharing: “Torill was brilliant in a fast-paced repartee with Stuart. Second part starting now, flowers bought for this evening.” (Actually the original says “Torill briljerte i samspill med Stuart”, […]


I’m digging through old Usenet archives today, to see whether I can connect that early net publishing to blogs today, and honestly, we’ve been discussing the same stuff for twenty years. At 1985-02-22 08:57:16 PST a woman answered a question as to […]

go torill!

Good luck to Torill today: she’s defending her dr. art. dissertation in Volda, starting at ten. Her opponents are Stuart Moulthrop and TL Taylor – I wish I could be there to hear the discussion! And, of course, for the party this […]

half mast

Flags are all at half mast today. I think it’s for the Swedish foreign minister, who died this morning. She was stabbed in a department store yesterday, and the assassin has not been found. The flags could have been for the victims […]


“OK, everyone who’s interested in discussing games, definitions and narratives, over to that side of the room. Everyone interested in discussing Turkle’s 1984 article over to this side.” All the boys went to the structuralist definition side. All the girls (only four […]