My Books


Oil refineries don’t let visitors get their fingers caught in the machinery. They load visitors into a bus and make a show of gathering up all the visitors’ lighters and matches to be kept safely at the front of the bus, out […]

petroleum and learning

Three days at Alver hotel discussing university pedagogy. Among other things we’re going on an excursion to an oil refinery to explore leadership and learning. Or something. If I wasn’t so sleepy from preparing my presentation for tomorrow I’d probably feel quite […]

political computer games

On Rhizome a few days ago there was an announcement of a new exhibition of political computer games, based in South Africa, called <re:Play>. Haven’t had a spare moment to look at it yet, but it’s reported to be rather fascinating, and […]


Bergen International Film Festival (BIFF) starts tomorrow, and Hanne-Lovise assures me there are lots of goodies. I’ll have to try and catch some of them.

comment spam

There’s an evil bug in Safari or MoveableType that makes comment spam kind of jump into the actual post itself when you delete it. I’d started ignoring this, since it doesn’t seem to affect the actual post if you don’t save after […]

literary games

Good heavens. “I love you”, machine-translated from English to French to English to German to English to Italian to English to Portuguese to English to Spanish to English, becomes “Master to him”, now would you have guessed that? Lost in translation has […]

click here to pat back

So do you think women tend to need more pats on the back than men do? Perhaps we read pats on backs differently, I mean maybe we don’t even get it when men mean to encourage us? Or maybe they don’t bother […]


I thought I might climb Ulriken this afternoon until I remembered it’s getting darker: though the sun is shining gloriously now, it will set in less than an hour. Being stuck up a mountain in the dark is not advisable.

To do today: Send your future self an email. Yes, you could simply tell your computer to do it, but what if you change email clients or computers or your mind? Let take care of it instead! Look, it’s easy, you […]