My Books


Today it rained, or rather, it misted, soft drops of moisture hanging in the air. They call it yr in Norwegian. The same word describes the excitement of springtime: blood rushing through the veins, the desire to live and love. Walking through […]

mobile video blogging

The Danish site lets you set up blogs you update from your phone – and claims to be the first service to allow not only text and images but also video, from your phone, of course. Can’t find a blog with […]


This had me roaring with laughter. The way the seller’s font gets bigger and bigger as his frustration mounts is especially moving: Ebay listing for “Collection of 26 Beanie Babies from Ex-Wife”. I’m glad to see thedrunkensailor got lots of money for […]


“If the internet were a sentence, weblogs would be the conjunctions: the ‘ands’, the ‘buts’, the ‘ors’.”


Bookchin and Shulgin’s DIY guide to creating should work pretty well for the aspiring blogger as well. I’d particularly note the Promotional Techniques: Attend and participate in major media art festivals, conferences and exhibitions. a. Physical b. Virtual Do not under […]

teaching citations

Tomorrow’s class will be about citation techniques. Again. Instead of me doing the standard old-fashioned teaching routine (explain it for 45 minutes using voice and overheads, post examples for them to read and then assume the knowledge was successfully transmitted from brain […]


That thing womens’ magazines say, you know, that each night you don’t cleanse your skin adds seven years to the age of your skin? No way. If that were true, I would look several hundred years old. Now I expect I do […]


“Well-behaved women seldom make history,” Laurel Thatcher Ulrich wrote, and it’s obviously true: doing what you think people want you to do is strikingly unsatisfying. Believe me, I know what I’m talking about, I spent many years trying. So when Liz Lawley […]

citing games

Towards a standard for referencing video games in academic papers. Based on a DiGRA discussion.

full text search

Yesterday made the full text of 120000 books searchable. If you want to find books that mention cybertext, for instance, search books for cybertext, just as usual. The day before yesterday that search listed books with cybertext in the title. Today […]