My Books

The four professors in "An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python" playing rock, stone, scissors, lizard, Spock

Loving Coursera MOOCs

This Coursera stuff is dangerous. I’ve been loving my social network analysis class so much that when the teachers mentioned a Python class just started (and Python is a useful tool for getting data off the web and into a form you […]

Microtargeting potential voters in a political campaign

I’m reading fascinating – and scary – stories about how political campaigns today use microtargeting to send prospective voters exactly the right information and advertisements to sway them. For instance, a Slate article from back in February about “Narwhal”, the Democrats’ data […]

Games for music

I love this little platform game, Get Home, that accompany the song “Weathervanes and Chemicals” by Norwegian band Team Me. Cunningly enough, you have to make it through before the song is over to win, which means that you (or at least I) […]