My Books

getting there

Nearly done with the trial lecture, except the visuals, which may end up being rather minimal. Still working on the twenty minute presentation of the whole thesis, for the actual defence on Tuesday, and the Answers to the Seven Points of Criticism […]


Second Life, There, and other non-game virtual worlds are going to fail because there’s nothing to do there except have sex, writes Greg Costikyan. More or less. This is part of the Great Discussion of what really constitutes a game, which Jesper […]

45 hours from now

Urg. My trial lecture is the day after tomorrow. In 45 hours and 15 minutes I’ll be nervously waiting outside the door to Auditorium B with the prodekanus, the opponents and the head of my department. When the hands of our watches […]

costumes and etiquette

The University of Trondheim provides an etiquette guide for the nervous PhD candidate planning his or her defence and surrounding celebrations. They even tell you what to wear: pent formiddagsantrekk for the trial lectures, for instance a light-coloured suit, or a slightly […]

game thesis

Kristine J¯rgensen’s MA thesis, Aporia & epiphany in context : computer game agency in “Baldur`s Gate II” and “Heroes of Might and Magic IV”, is likely to interest some of you.

last year

I was busy this time last year too.


It’s ages since I last read, and I’m loving the way it merges the reader (me) with Afra, throwing me from textual position to textual position. In the sequence where Simon and Magalie find Afra’s website, I’m behind the computer screen […]

defining art

We see so resolutely from our own perspective. How can we do otherwise? Digital art is all interface, defined entirely by the experience of its viewing or use. So say Bolter and Gromala on page 11 of their new book, writing as […]

what am i?

“Mummy, am I Norwegian or English?” My daughter is seven, and earlier that day a couple of the older girls at school had asked her the question she now asked me. She couldn’t answer the girls at school. It sure is confusing […]

not this

Jamie’s link made me laugh so much I’m putting it on the main page for other unfortunate soon-to-defend their PhDs to enjoy: Things Not To Do During Your Defence. [Update: Torill, upon reading this list, would like to point out that she […]