My Books


I’m sitting in on one of Elin‘s classes at Mass Art and they’re showing some interesting new media work. Antenna Design‘s “Cherry Blossom” is a charming installation where passers by trigger flowers that grow on a screen. More people causes more flowers, […]


Mark blogged dinner last night – which was delicious as well as adventurous. I measured the snow against my leg today and it really is knee high.

boston morning

I’m in Boston. I forgot my power adapter so I have no camera or telephone. There’s thick lumpy slippery snow everywhere, far deeper than most winters in Bergen ever produce, and everything’s chaotic, but I’m pretty happy with all these great friends […]

BEK on the budget

BEK – Bergen senter for elektronisk kunst – was in danger of having to shut down, but is now, wonderfully, on the national budget, as the first new media instution outside of Oslo!

talk at brown

My talk at Brown today is titled “Weblogs: Learning to Write in the Network” and is going to be mostly about using blogs with students. I’m going to stress network literacy and how blogging is not simply keeping an electronic journal, it’s […]

stockton talk

I’m speaking at Stockton today about weblogs, the real talk that the audio conference a few weeks ago was leading up to. Here are the links I’ll be using.

ms, dr or prof?

So I thought I was over making people call me doctor, but when I rang to book a room at the Inn at Brown, the man said “Which salutation shall I put? Ms, Doctor or Professor?” Hard not to grin at that, […]


Anders has been given his trial lecture topic and he’s blogging towards that and the actual defence. I love how he has different kinds of layout for different kinds of post. Vivaldi Weather, for instance, is a beautiful example of what else […]

jersey shore

Scrambling to the top of the dunes I see endless ocean, sand stretching as far as I can see to either side, no mountains or fjords or islands, and for the first time I realise how much I’ve missed the horizon. It’s […]