My Books

how many students?

Twenty students have signed up for my web design and aesthetics course, and they’re rolling in steadily, a few a day. I wonder how many there’ll be in all? The deadline for registration isn’t till February 1. As a student I loved […]

recruitment games

Games are not just being used for making political statements, they’re also being used quite deliberately in recruiting. America’s Army has been around for a while, and now Nick at Grandtextauto notes that there are lots of sites devoted to Special Force, […]

Åpen høring

Responses are invited to a report on open source in Norway: “Åpen programvare i Norge – status, effekter, hindringer og drivere”. The report and more information (in Norwegian) is available from e-norge, the government’s information site about IT strategy in Norway.

no toilet queues!

The news is so entertaining these days: did you know that passengers on flights to the US will no longer be allowed to queue for the toilet? No gathering in groups. I assume that following this strategy wireless internet will be banned […]

lectures galore!

We’ve got a busy start to the semester here at Humanistic Informatics. Jan Rune Holmevik, MOO guru and wonderful person in general, is defending his PhD. Here’s the press release, with a nice photo of Jan, and a brief description in Norwegian. […]

new semester

Students are back on Thursday, and I want to plan finish planning schedules, assignments and guest lecturers before then. I’m still a rather new teacher, you know, and I want to feel in control of this stuff. Mind you, at this point […]

f24 – netflix for norway

Just last week I was complaining that Norway, being a small country, doesn’t have a Netflix, and it turns out that it does: F24 uses exactly the same model as Netflix and has even been mentioned on blogs I read. I suppose […]

jon’s blog

My friend, colleague and fellow Bergen resident Jon Hoem has started writing a blog in English alongside his longstanding Norwegian one, and has also restated his PhD project to be about personal publication, especially looking at blogs and wikis and what happens […]

new media

Nick Montfort and Noah Wardrip-Fruin are this month’s guests on Empyre, where they are discussing The New Media Reader and whether or not new media is a field and has a history, and where they are to be joined by artist Jill […]

broswer emulators

Dejavu provides old browser emultators, allowing you to view period web sites and current websites through emulaltors of historical browsers such as Mosaic and Netscape 1.0. This trip down memory lane reminded me of the pleasure of those first white backgrounds on […]