My Books

hypertekst og Bringværds “Faen”

Dette er et opplegg jeg skal bruke for å innarbeide grunnleggende hypertekstbegreper og introdusere tekstlesning av ikkelineære tekster. Det er beregnet til å brukes i store studentgrupper uten datamaskiner og uten mye forhåndskunnskap om hypertekstteori, og jeg regner med at det vil […]

defence story

Anders Fagerjord has posted his PhD defence story, with photos – and do you know, not only had his opponents read his blog, one even read from one of his first blog posts while interrogating him…

guest lectures

Carsten wrote a really nice post about Scott Rettberg’s talk here a few days back. It was brilliant being able to start a semester with new students by throwing them into the thicks of electronic literature. Scott gave a great introduction to […]

dr juul

Hey! Jesper Juul is now a doctor! His colleagues gave him an x-box to celebrate the occassion 🙂 Congratulations!

my baby

My five am morning was starting to get to me. We sang and danced through the afternoon, but by eight Mary Poppins and I bore not a passing resemblence. Finally achieving bedtime I read her a story thinking of sleep, not the […]


We went to Copenhagen and walked north for hours until a boat marked like a bus met us as though on purpose and took us south then north again whereupon we walked south once more past palaces, galleries, design, office workers hurrying […]

damn spam

Yikes! I just got over 1200 comments all pointing to various subdomains of e– Even with mt-blacklist it takes a while to delete them. Without it I would have been stuffed. The master blacklist doesn’t include this URL – add it if […]

links first lecture

Links for today’s class (which will be intros, what we’re doing this semester, a bit about this HTML stuff and where it comes from and the basic HTML tags):, example of SGML-tagged text, brief history of markup formats, w3’s brief history […]

lostlog, hive

Trond Lossius is a Bergen-based electronic artist who is also known for his involvement in and leadership of BEK, Bergen senter for Elektronisk Kunst. Trond now has a three year grant at the Art College which sounds like a sort of creative […]

en route

Staying up though having decided it would be far more sensible to get to bed. Reloading the airline’s website until the “planned” time is joined by a timestamp only two minutes later than the time planned, one minute ago now, followed by […]