My Books


Poetikon is a Norwegian poetry site, edited by Morten Skogly. Most of the poems are short traditional pieces contributed by users, but there are some poems, I believe mostly by Skogly, that use the medium for more than simple publication. Bokstavlek is […]


I think we Scandinavians can stop being alternatively smug and anxious about the horrors of US immigration. Gonzalo’s story of arriving in Denmark is totally disheartening.


I added a paragraph about joy to my speech and now I feel just so happy and enthusiastic – this ceremony thing’s going to be great. I’m going to concentrate on the pleasure of research and of sharing knowledge and on how […]

classification is for lizards

Wunderchicken has a great, must-read, wild post about weblogs as punk rock – and reckons the problem with blogs now is that some of us have started sucking up to the record companies. (He finishes by saying that doesn’t matter – doesn’t […]

speech jitters

Damn. I’d been holding back, telling myself, no, no, just write your own speech, honey, that’ll be good enough, and it’ll be yours, don’t go trying to figure out what other people say on such occasions, what you’ve got to say is […]


Tomorrow’s the graduation ceremony for everyone at our university who got a PhD last semester. 50 of 70 doctores will be there. We get to borrow gowns and do an “academic procession” and we’ll be presented with our diplomas and we’ll listen […]

no method

Via Andrew, I found a wonderful article arguing that in the humanities, “method” is mere rhetoric forced upon us by social scientists. Method is not how the humanities work. Asking a humanities scholar to explain his or her method is like asking […]


Oooh! An already blogging student has already blogged the start of blogging, and look, he really got it, actually he got it better than me. Look, here’s my pedagogical technique: show the students CSS Zen Garden, then give them MoveableType blogs, mention […]

students started blogging

My students have started blogging. I set up a blog for each of them and the clicking of keys in class today was a pleasure to hear. My teacher’s blog for the course has a blogroll of all the students’ blogs, and […]