MUTE is filesharing inspired by ant colonies that keeps each individual anonymous. Like an ant.
Let me show you how art and culture drive technological development.
Let me show you how art and culture drive technological development.
MUTE is filesharing inspired by ant colonies that keeps each individual anonymous. Like an ant.
The students had written about apple.com and microsoft.com, and today we added screenshots. The first group happily cut, paste, saved and uploaded screenshots of webpages almost identical to the ones we saw two days ago, Apple showing iPods instead of iLife, Microsoft […]
This morning my boots slipped on black ice covering the gray stone steps outside my front door. By afternoon a soft layer of snow covered everything, silencing stress, beckoning children to make angels in the snow. By evening, a student had emailed […]
There’s work at our department on a project on norms and standardisations, and four of us are doing ten minute intros on how our fields relate to this in the department seminar tomorrow. Of course my requested ten minutes will be about […]
A long morning of wild yet possible and incredibly inspiring ideas sent those grumps away! Brilliant!
I woke up grumpy. I cheered a little at my joyful child jumping on me but the relentless before-school routine of shower, coffee, breakfast, lunch packs, nagging, get dressed, come and eat, brush your teeth, hair, put on shoes gnawed that away […]
Don’t worry, even IKEA has a walkthrough. (Via GTxA, and noted by many at Delicious)
One of my students (Helge? Eirik? I remember where they were sitting…) told the class that Dagbladet.no, major Norwegian newspaper site, emphasises serious news before six pm and silly news and games after six. Explains a lot. Would anyone know of a […]
I love how students transform from unresponsive mutes to vibrant knowledge-spouters when you find ways to let them talk. Too bad I couldn’t find a way to wake the network in Auditorium B from its unresponsive state, too, but we did fine […]
News from Magic Lantern that there’s now a blog tracking their presidential election game Frontrunner as it progresses towards release in March. Screenshots show you can pick your candidate – Gore or Bush, from the looks of it. I suppose playing this […]