My Books

implementation stories

Can you read the story in these photos? No, not the one in the words. In the photos. Well, the words too. And look, the third installment’s out. And the story in the photos is in the news on the front page.

reviewee’s amusement

My students have written lots and lots of blog reviews – more than fifty, actually – and Bjarte’s review caused considerable joy and amusement as the reviewee and his readers ran the review through auto-translators to figure out what it was about.

the bay looks nice today

Another sign of spring is that it becomes absolutely necessary to test the range of wireless base stations. A couple of hundred metres gives marvellous pixellation, it’s like playing with Photoshop filters for the first time.


I do love having parents I can brag to. Their enthusiasm for my every achievement, great or small, is infallible. It’s so nice to have some things in life that are completely reliable. So of course when Mum came by yesterday I […]


Justin Hall describes Mogi, a fascinating sounding GPS-enabled mobile phone game running in Tokyo where you collect stuff by actually going to places near where you happen to be in the city. He also links to slides from a presentation by Amy […]


Have a hip-hoppy Easter!

guardian article

Jim McClellen’s written an excellent article about blogfiction for the Guardian Unlimited, with remarks from me (must be a good article, eh?) and Rob Wittig and Paul Ford and some other interesting blog fictions and stories. The interviews were done by email […]

le conditionnel

Gazing at the lavender in my garden (slowly refinding growth) I decided I’ll go back to Provence this summer, to the wonderful monastery I was at last July, to the delicious food and wine and sun and red-brown earth and laughing people. […]


You know how sometimes you want to just write write write meld emotions to words and let everyone know yet you’re not quite sure what they must know what you need to say only that you know that you need to say […]

code as art material

I’m writing an article about Marius Watz’s Tegnemaskin 1-12 for Utsmykkingsfondet‘s yearbook. I blogged Tegnemaskin last September, and wrote a little about it in my introduction to net art in Kunstkritikk last November. Since then, Watz has developed Tegnemaskin 13 which reacted […]