My Books

leaves above

Lying in the grass reading as a soft breeze caresses your skin is worth the occasional bug bite.

scandinavian blogging terminology

Lisbeth provides a good list of definitions of blogging terms in Danish. I’d grab them all for Norwegian, except in Norwegian blogg is more correct than blog, and that the plural should be blogger rather than blogs. Like its Danish sister-organisation, Norsk […]


Justin Hall’s been accused of over-fictionalising his life, but refuses to comment.

what is an author?

I’m sifting through essays for the compendium for this autumn’s course on contagious media and networked culture, and rereading with joy in the process. I’d almost forgotten Foucault’s “What is an Author?”, though my copy (from Lodge’s Modern Criticism and Theory) is […]


Oh look! Normal-sized women modelling bikinis! The readers loved it, but the modelling bureaus scoff at the thought of this kind of outrage becoming common.


At ISEA this August I’m in a panel on “Uncovering Histories of Electronic Writing” with Noah, Michael and Nick from Grandtextauto, only Nick can’t come so Scott‘ll deliver his part of it. Noah’s going to look at Ted Nelson’s work on hypertext […]

not misleading

This is funny, in a throw your hands up in despair sort of a way. TRISTAN RODDIS, pissed off at that Federation Against Copyright Theft cinema advert where you stare at a branding iron while a voice tells you that “Piracy funds […]

network logic anthology

From the Doors of Perception newsletter (monthly, concise, good links whether you attend the conferences or not) I found Network Logic: Who Governs in an Interconnected World, which is a new anthology of essays about network campaigning, smart mobs (Rheingold’s here in […]

google poems as plot elements

Now that’s interesting, Rob’s using google poems as narrative elements in his blog fiction. There are three characters who share this blog, Allen, Wordsman and Rob. Wordsman’s girlfriend or wife Beverley has been missing, and now Wordsman’s posting cryptical google poems. The […]

why they quit

HÂkon Styri on why a lot of people eagerly start blogging and hastily quit. In Norwegian.