My Books


I didn’t understand why a denial of February allegations of an affair with Kerry was on the top ten at Blogdex until I got well into the article. It’s written by Alex Polier, the young journalist who was falsely said to have […]

what norwegians do online

Pew Internet provides lots of data on how Americans use the internet, but there aren’t a lot of statistics online about Norwegian conditions. Most of the stats at Statistics Norway are about access and speeds and employment and technical details, and I […]

offline and online

It’s a while since I visited Derek Powazek’s Design for Community site – I found lots of good links in his essay on web communities that combine online and offline communication and exchange.


I don’t think Charlottetown is very close to Bergen, but if it were, I’d definitely consider letting my seven-year-old adventurer go to Kiddy Kitchen, a week-long cooking course where kids blog their recipes and creations.

no smoking

Smoking in bars and restaurants became illegal in Norway a few hours ago. I was surprised to read that Norway’s only the second country in the world to pass such strict anti-smoking legislation – certainly both the US and Australia used to […]


Her feet barely touch the ground as she flies down the passageways, escaping my camera’s reluctant shutter in a blur as she shouts out without looking back: “Run, mummy, run! We have to explore!”

trans-cultural mapping

Locative is a network of projects, I think, artistic uses of technology, space, location, wireless, mobile gadgetry, and they’re running a series of “Trans-Cultural Mapping” workshops this summer in Northern Europe. They’re currently seeking participants. The next is in Iceland: “One of […]

two cultures

Demos Greenhouse has a post today that nicely encapsulates the power of blogs and networking online – and the disadvantages of it, seen from the point of view of a thinktank of political activists and researchers (“people changing politics”)who have only recently […]