My Books

ridicule and fahrenheit 911

I was thinking more about Fahrenheit 911 this morning, having heard it’s not going to be shown here until September, and having been reading about it lately. When I saw the movie I cried and raged at all the bits I was […]

already about to be said

I once met a guy, at a party I think, who told me he believed that if a discussion continues for long enough, and has enough participants, every possible point of view will be expressed. He used this conviction as the basis […]

Distributed Narrative: Telling Stories Across Networks

This year I submitted an abstract to AoIR for the first time, and my proposal was accepted, I’ll be presenting in Sussex in September. My topic is distributed narrative, or viral narrative, or contagious narrative; I’m not quite sure what to call […]

french connections

I’m going to France next weekend, for a fortnight’s immersion in that most beautiful language. I searched my blog for last summer’s French posts, and found a post on on keeping secrets in public, oh, and a story told to me by […]

what really happened at Incubation

Scott posted an excellent trip report from Incubation to Grandtextauto – far more informative than my most fragmented bits and pieces and a good read, as well.


Sometimes’s recommendations are pretty surreal…

implementing london

We didn’t see any Brit Stick Lit in London, but some Implementation was performed.

machine language

At Many to many David Weinberger notes that people appear to be using fewer human stop words when searching – “search engines are training us how to talk to them”. He suggests that SMS abbreviations might be an example of the same […]

can’t log on

One of the pieces I enjoyed seeing at Incubation was Jim Andrew‘s doodle-like morhping of a phone message left by Alan Sondheim for Randy Adams. Alan can’t log on to a site they’re using, and the desperation in his voice is familiar […]