My Books

the end of fame

Andy Warhol said everyone gets fifteen minutes of fame. Now, a quarter of a century later, everyone gets to be famous to fifteen people. And that can be far more useful and satisfying. I first saw the line in David Weinberger’s Small […]


I crossed an ocean, and I didn’t tell you. I like not telling all. I planned on keeping my blog placeless this week, this fortnight, only writing about websites and links and ideas and never mentioning the cat soundly sleeping, curled up […]

new media for high school students

Wow. The Danes are good: Lisbeth points to a text book on new media for high school students called N?•r nye medier fort?¶ller. The first chapter’s about poetry (visual, interactive and networked), the second is about hypertext fiction, the third about computer […]

who buys technology

CNN: Women bought technology for $55 billion last year. Men for $44 billion. In the US, I assume. Nearly three-quarters of women surveyed by the industry group complained about being ignored, patronized or offended by sales people when shopping for electronics. Forty […]


I went running along the lake, soaking up and reflecting the rays of sun and the smiles of old men walking dogs. Bergen is so beautiful in sunshine. The webcams give a suggestion but can’t possibly show you the full glory of […]

don’t localise me

Morning horror: I type into the URL field of my browser and get a Norwegian version! Google has started to forceably redirect anyone who goes to while in Norway to their new Norwegian site: They did this in Australia […]

rights of those written about?

In France this summer people kept recommending I watch the documentary ?ätre et avoir, a documentary following an amazing teacher in a one-room French rural school. The film was a huge success, making ‚Ǩ2 million in profits, and the teacher, Georges Lopez, […]

last email

Via Lisbeth, who’s researching the deaths of characters in online gameworlds like Everquest: The Last Email, a website that stores those emails to your loved ones (and others) with the things you could never tell them while you were still alive. It […]

barcode battlers

At a very pleasant dinner last Tuesday with Matt Locke, Tim Wright and Martin Trickey, someone mentioned Barcode Battlers, handheld games with barcode scanners. You collect monsters by scanning groceries – real groceries, see Campbell’s soup might be the coolest monster – […]

blog and be heard by politicians

Kaye notes that Elizabeth Edwards, the wife of the Democrats’ candidate for Vice President in the upcoming US elections, reads blogs. And writes in the Kerry-Edwards campaign blog. Actually the whole blog is pretty interesting. Coming from a country where we elect […]