My Books

shameless plea

In a linky mood? Try linking to! See, nobody on the whole web has linked to ELINOR‘s site except me. Not very surprising, I guess, since I’ve not announced it and all it had on it till today was “this site […]


Our conference is approaching and I’m concentrating on the electronic literature part of it. I’ve shined up the ELINOR website a bit, and I’m adding in a bit more information about the seminar there. Today I’ll be organising fliers for the library […]


Hey! Scott and Nick finished Implementation! Congratulations!


This is kind of comforting, weirdly: a Republican arguing that we should vote for Kerry because Bush is an extremist caricature of a conservative. See, if Kerry’s elected, the Republicans will have to work out why Bush lost, and become more moderate. […]


This was the view from my grandmother’s unit. More or less. I think she was a bit further to the left, kind of. Closer to King’s Park. I miss Perth. These falling leaves are beautiful but oh so cold. Catamarans Originally uploaded […]

too close to a dystopic science fiction novel

This sounds awful: Republicans are organising troops of people to challenge the right of voters to vote in Ohio, a swing state. That’s sickening. Bitch. Ph.D., and quite a few other Democrats, have volunteered to go help out during the actual voting. […]

theresa senft, phd

Theresa Senft sat on the floor during the afternoon blog sessions at AoIR in September. The room was full, conversation was vibrant, and though she said several things, the comment I remember was a counter to someone wanting to use more critical […]


Flickr keeps exploring itself – see, for instance, Andrew Losowsky’s series of photos of doorbells in Florence, each of which is being posted with a short fiction. Andrew writes about it in his blog, of course, and calls the genre flicktion. There’s […]

how to make mosaics.

Remember Joe’s “War President“? The photo of Bush made as a mosaic of tiny images of all the soldiers who have died in Iraq? Engadget explains how to make your own! Using free software, on mac or PC.

gibson’s blogging again

William Gibson started blogging again last week! Why? Because the United States currently has, as Jack Womack so succintly puts it, a president who makes Richard Nixon look like Abraham Lincoln. And because, as the Spanish philospher Unamuno said, “At times, to […]