My Books

game console advice wanted

Father Christmas is getting my eight-year-old daughter and me a game console for Christmas. I’m helping him along by, uh, choosing, ordering and paying for the item. Since I’ve never really used consoles I’m floundering a little. I’m going to the states […]


I was up till one Thursday redoing my talk, so deep into work I had to force myself to bed. I did the distributed narratives from a new angle and it changed completely, fascinating how a different framework opens different questions. Friday […]

crowd compiler

Take photos of crowds at fixed intervals and the Crowd Compiler merges them for you. What fun.

stay awake

I’m trying to beat my cold into submission and stay awake and alert long enough to respectably prepare tomorrow’s guest lectures in Oslo. I’m speaking to Anders‘s students, and then to the department seminar, both times on distributed narrative. I know Anders […]

daily photos

Have you seen the Technique group at Flickr? It’s full of simple tutorials and ideas for doing slightly different things with your photos, ranging from the complicated to the easy. The tip on using the timer on your camera to avoid shaky […]

first snowfall

Lightning flashes and rain falls heavily outside my windows, this afternoon there was snow, but I’m not quite ready for winter. First snow Originally uploaded by Jill.

making time

Are you supposed to feed a cold and starve a fever or is it the other way round? My head aches and my throat is sore and there is all this work that needs me to do it. A funding application to […]


Sagasnet is a network promoting the development of interactive narratives in Europe. They have a database of people interested in participating in projects, and they’re inviting proposals for a seminar on content development. There’s a fee, but some participants might get funding.


A girlfriend SMSed me: you’ve got to watch this new series tonight. NY-LON. And if you read that as a hyphenated spelling of a synthetic fabric, you obviously haven’t spend much time on aeroplanes lately. Ten to nine on NRK2, and though […]


My article on electronic art in public spaces has been translated into English! I’ve been asked to proofread the translation and make any changes or corrections I feel are necessary. How strange to be translated into my own language. How wonderful to […]