My Books

action plan for demartyring self

Steps to stop being a martyr: At start of week, write down what needs to be done before next Monday Prioritise ruthlessly. Absolute necessities get done first. Accept that many things won’t get done. Learn difference between what must be done and […]

working martyr?

I’ve been grumpy today that I have to prepare tomorrow morning’s lecture when all I want to do is have a proper weekend. Monday morning lectures are terrible: I haven’t once managed to prep it the week before but always end up […]

So much for gardening

Yesterday the sun shone and I bought seeds and thought of weeding, getting my hands sunk in earth as Auntie Joan suggested. Perhaps a little early to rob the earth of its protective layer of weeds, I thought, and I guess I […]


I wish I could show you what it was really like. There used to be a carpark there. Now the cars are gone and people cross the square in all directions, a quiet happy buzz around them on this sunny day that […]

textual tattoos

I’ve never had a desire for tattoos, but looking at photos of textual tattoos I can at least imagine wanting a tattoo. Not that I know what I’d write. While I love Shelley Jackson’s Skin project, I’d definitely want to choose my […]

i’ve forgotten how to relax

What do you do when you can’t relax? You know, when you get home from work and you know you’re exhausted and need to relax but after two seconds on the sofa or reading a book or trying to meditate or do […]

do you have a PhD and know XML and PHP?

My department needs to hire a person to teach a course on web programming for the autumn semester (July 1 – December 31, 2005). It’s a fulltime, six-month position as an associate professor (f¯rstelektor), with a minimum of 25% research (of your […]


Oh my god, this may be the awesomest thing to hit academia since, uh, the web. (Yes, I’m prone to extreme enthusiasm, but really, this is pretty cool.) CiteULike is like except for academic papers. You create an account (free), drag […]

quantum blogging

Oh, look at all these women blogging quantum physics! Awesome!

blogs and law

So you read about those bloggers who wrote about Apple, and Apple sued them and insisted they reveal their sources? Apart from this being a rather nasty way of treating their own fans, the courtcase raises questions about the legal status of […]