My Books

random notes from seminar

One great thing about living on a boat hotel is that there’s no wireless and so you can actually finish answering all your email because you can’t get any new email. In a little while I’ll go find a cafÈ with wireless, […]

notes: Dagny Stuedal on actors in networks

[19/4: freshly completed post after battery died yesterday]Dagny’s doing a post. doc. at IMK and is a folklorist and a cultural historian, and she’s going to talk about actors and actants in networks. Akt¯r-nettverksteori, is this actor-network theory? Latour etc. – ah, […]

notes: lars risan: “the sacramental charisma of the code”

[19/4: freshly completed after battery ran out. Need new battery…]Lars Risan is the first speaker at the network seminar I’m at in Oslo. Don’t you love the idea of code as sacrament? Lars is an anthropologist, and he starts his talk by […]

weblog definition published

The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory, which includes my awesome weblog definition, has been published, but is unfortunately rather expensive. The silver lining is that that means people who want to cite my definition don’t buy the book, instead they end up […]

first day of summer

For the first time in months, all my doors and windows are wide open to tempt in the warm sunny air. Children have swarmed outdoors today, finally, after a long winter. The sun slants in across my desk and it’s still 20˚. […]


Today is Shyrin and Kirsti’s funeral. I wrote a long post but deleted it. Quiet.


Searching Technorati for useful phrases (“narrative trajectory” or “that David Lodge novel with the conference with one paper a day and the rest was coffee breaks”) doesn’t necessarily get you what you think you want, but you do tend to end up […]

research blogging as writing in the moment

Another interesting blog post, with several threads of good-looking conversations to follow, that I don’t have time to read now: Chutry writes about how blogs are a kind of writing to the moment (like epistolary novels) and how that might work in […]