My Books

what makes whole cultures blog?

Technology becomes popular in certain countries or cultures because of either a) mass events or advertising, or b) social networks. At least, that’s what Ross Mayfield surmises, based on presentations at the blog conference in Paris, looking at blogging in France (hot, […]


Ooh. The media department in Oslo lets you subscribe to calendars their events that’ll add themselves to your calendar (iCal, Mozilla Calendar etc.) It’s often annoyed me that the Learning Managemeng System our university uses doesn’t provide that – but of course, […]

pet peeve no 1

You know what? I am so sick of getting excited about some special offer from some site I’m a paying customer which I’m not eligible for. Amazon did it with the Prime membership thing, plastering my front page with it for weeks […]

foredrag for holbergprisen i skolen

These are my notes for a talk to high school teachers about ways students might approach research on teenagers’ activities online. Nettet er mangslungent, og for  forst hva som foregÂr, hva som er nytt eller gammelt, og hvordan kulturen vÂr og […]

one word themes

I have yet to submit an article to m/c, but I remain fascinated by their approach to themed issues. Right now they have open calls for papers for upcoming issues that will be about print, copy, scan and affect. Yes, one word […]

head of department, day 89

Today is one of those days that’s full of meetings. Two with students anxious about their projects, one information meeting about the reorganisation of the arts and humanities faculty, and a meeting with the dean and the faculty director about The Future […]

showing you what i’m reading

Yesterday I installed a plugin so my most recent bookmarks at, the social bookmarking site, show up in the left menu of my blog. That’s right, scroll a bit and you’ll spot them. (Well, unless you’re reading this in the distant […]

random place

Random Place is an Australian soap opera that’ll be delivered to mobile phones at 8 am and 3.30 pm on weekdays, and will cost between AUS $1 and $2.50 a week (that’s nothing, it’s US$1.15-1.95, or NOK 7,50-12,00, and it’s per week […]

teens researching teens

On Wednesday I’m talking to high school teachers who’ll be engaging their students in research in a University-initiated project called Ungdom forsker p ungdom, young people researching young people. The meeting with teachers on Wednesday is meant to get the teachers thinking […]

guess the google

A two-minute time-waster: Flash game presents you with a set of images, and asks you to guess what word was typed into Google to find these particular pictures. I was surprised that I guessed it within 20 seconds every time. Except one. […]