My Books

seeing further than the tip of your nose is very difficult

There’s an absurd article in Dagbladet today, about how bloggers are trying to learn some of the techniques journalists already know so as not to be seen as second rate journalists, which of course is how bloggers are usually seen. By journalists, […]

hva en akademiker egentlig gj¯r hele uken

I had no idea what working as an academic was really like when I was a student. Heck, I didn’t even know what the job really entails three years ago, when I was finishing up my PhD. Uh, or even two years […]

jigsaw puzzle narratives

Amy Jo Kim notes a recent talk by 4orty2wo Entertainment, the people who made I Love Bees, where they describe techniques they used to create the game. The one that’s most immediately relevant to my work (more on narrative than game) is […]

don’t sell bergen!

Bergeners: have you been to Oslo lately and seen the huge advertisements placed on footpaths and on bus shelters? Bergen council’s planning to sell our city to Clear Channel, the advertiser, media owner, abuser of workers’ rights and bully of the music […]


I can’t believe I just did that. Spent 45 minutes writing a post about ethics and teaching using blogs, when today is a holiday and I’m supposed to be packing, going for a run, playing with my daughter, lazing and doing absolutely […]

should we tell our students to blog pseudonymously?

Lilia writes interestingly about her discomfort with being researched by students who’d been given the assignment of writing a wiki page about her research. She doesn’t mind being researched, but was uncomfortable about whether or not it was OK for her to […]

collect lists of publication channels!

I was at an information meeting about the new system for financing research the other day. Argue as we may, the system’s going through, and that means: Norwegian new media researchers, we need to work together. The new system for measuring research […]

fictional blogs

Betsy Friedrich is writing her senior thesis on fictional blogs, and her blog is a wonderful collection of links to fictional blogs, links to articles about them, and her own ideas and analyses. A treasure trove!

head of department, day 96

I’ve developed an inability to get anything but administrative work done in my office. There are practical reasons. My phone rings, people knock on my door, and of course they have issues that need to be dealt with immediately. Since three of […]

digitale fortellinger

Look: NRK and PNEK will be running a series of up to 20 digital narratives, and are looking for ideas. Each project that’s selected for the project will receive NOK 10,000 and access to some production assistance. Read the advertisement and contact […]