My Books


Here’s a job advertisement for a PhD fellowship looking at the convergence between information systems and new media in a democracy perspective – four years, 25% teaching, pay is around about $40,000 I think, and you need an MA in a relevant […]


Have you noticed that when the audience of a presentation laughs, they all look at each other? It’s the only chance you get to look each other in the eye.

and the winner is…

The results of the 60 second story contest have been announced! Steve Himmer won, with Charles. Some others of my favourites did very well too — go on, have a look at the whole list!


Oh, just look at the screensaver Even made. That link goes to a quicktime of how it looks, this link goes to his blog where ages ago, back in May, he explains how he did it. Kind of complicated. I must learn […]


I would like to blog. There is no time. Sorry.

write a paper for JoDI

I’m acting editor for the Hypertext Criticism theme of JoDI, the Journal for Digital Information. I’ve been co-editing the theme along with Susana Tosca for a couple of years now, but this year’s Susana’s on maternity leave and has left it all […]

lunch with a web editor

I just had lunch with Tor Arne Fanghol, who’s the editor in charge of the internet section of Bergens Tidende, the local newspaper. It was really interesting hearing about their thoughts for the web newspape. Some interesting facts: They publish about 100,000 […]

short paper deadline for hypertext 2005

The short paper deadline for Hypertext 2005 was just extended till June 16. Have you ever written a short paper? I love them. They’re perfect for when you never got time to write the longer paper you were thinking of, or when […]

last chance for 60 second stories

Today’s the last chance to take part in the 60 second story competition — it doesn’t take long to make a story, and you can win amazing one-minute pleasures! Or just go look at the 60 second stories already created.

more norwegian sticker literature!

I was walking home from work when I found this sticker. A poem? A fragment of a sticker novel? It says: Jeg liker alvoret ditt. Jeg lukker ¯ynene og tenker p sommeren. Du lukter godt. Hjertet veier ca. 300 gram. Jeg pr¯ver […]