My Books

lost camera

I think I lost my camera. For a little while I consoled myself thinking it the perfect excuse to buy a better camera, but looking at prices it’s clear that the cameras I can afford are of exactly the same quality as […]


I got an email from the successor to EatonWeb, asking me to reregister my blog in the new version of their portal. See, the EatonWeb Portal used to be the place to find blogs about whatever topic you were interested in, and […]

panliterery awards

The journal Drunken Boat has published several of my favourite pieces of electronic poetry and web art. Some of them don’t work in my newer browsers anymore (sigh) but such is the nature of the transient web. They recently announced The First […]

off again

I’m going to be gone again for a few days. Back Monday. Seeya!

group read of daughters of freya

Remember Daughters of Freya, the email mystery about a Californian sex cult I posted about a few months ago? They’re organising a group read, where people who sign up get the story for half price (so about $4) and all receive emails […]

german language hyperfiction

Anyone interested in German language electronic literature will be pleased to find Beat Suter’s catalogue of it: “Diese datenbank mit dem korpus deutschsprachiger hyperfictions liefert drei kommentierte listen zum thema hyperfiction.” Beat Suter, who’s based in Z¸rich, has also published and presented […]

merging private and public?

Danny Butt’s stopped blogging, partly because he finds that blogging encourages him to write too fast, almost as though he’s part of the media he does not trust – “my ìprivateî is thoroughly colonised by the ìpublicî”, he writes, and also notes […]

on returning to blogging

Blogging seems to be my way of working. I had no desire at all to blog our wonderful trip through Arizona, or the camping (I’ve visited 13 US states in the last few weeks!) or the beach, but today I’m back to […]

summer break

I’ve rarely seen my blog as inordinately dull as in the last week or two. I’m off on my summer holidays on Tuesday morning, and I’ve been frantically trying to tie up all the loose ends here at work. Got through a […]


Oh no! Humanistic Informatics is far worse at publishing than Informatics. We’re even lagging 0.02 points behind Infomedia. Karltk explains all, in good old AD&D fashion.