My Books

changing literacies – digital, bi-lingual and more

[From Claire Belisle’s presentation] “Reading has put an indelible stamp on human cognition.” (Olson, 1994: The World on Paper) The experience of reading has made us aware of our intellectual functions. Thinking is not dealing directly with things but with representations of […]

intention vs functional reading

Terje Hillesund is talking about reading digital texts right now. He’s recapped what we did last time we met, and proposes the projects presented last time can be seen from the side of the readers that will use them, who will be […]

digital textuality in Lyon

I’m in Lyon, for the second seminar in our Bergen-Lyon exchange of researchers working with Digital Publishing and Reading: Challenges and Processes in Critical Editions and Reading Editions (Publication et lecture numÈriques: dÈfis et processus par l’Èdition critique et les activitÈs de […]

wore out my graphics card

World of Warcraft seems to have exhausted my graphics card. After a couple of hours play, the screen did that thing computers do when they’re really ill, where the image gets all stripey and distorted and you can do nothing. Next time […]

blog of the day

Ooh, look, jill/txt is one of the blogs of the day on a blog I can’t read! Cool!


You know how, on LiveJournal, diarists often post a little icon symbolising their current mood along with each entry? Thanks to Martin I discovered there’s a Moodgrapher that lets you track fluctuations in these emotional templates over ten day periods. Above, you’ll […]

WoWing on a mac

There was a thunderstorm stopped me from doing much World of Warcrafting last night, but I got into the game world for long enough to discover I’m a total dork in there. I hate that period of feeling like an idiot. There […]

waiting to sign up

Oh no. I bought World of Warcraft, fed all four CDs to my computer, and now the sign-up website won’t load. I suppose I should wait and try again in half an hour but instead I keep trying again and again. Sometimes […]


Nicely Flickred comparison of two press reports – the black person “looted” food, while the white people “found” food. (Thanks to Dustin3000) (though maybe Metafilter was first on this)


Blogging’s too complicated. I post something then look at it, think of how it looks, and delete it. More often, I delete it in my head before it’s even posted.