I love it when I forget that I submitted something and then I get a letter of acceptance!

My paper on distributed narrative, the revised, 10 page version of what I presented at AoIR in September, has been accepted for publication in the Association of Internet Researchers Annual! That’s a real book with just a selection of the papers that were presented at the conference. The second annual’s not out yet, but this is what the first annual looks like. My paper will be in the third annual.

I have to make some small changes. Make the intro less abrupt, make some colloquialisms easier for non-natives to understand, I forgot to put Gibson in the bibliography, that sort of thing, nothing big. I’m so glad I forced myself to rewrite the paper and send it in, even though I assumed it wouldn’t be accepted.

Ooh, this makes me all eager to do more work on distributed narratives! There’s been no research in my life this month. All my time has been spent on teaching, coordinating, organising and you know, stuff that has to be done and is quite interesting in its own ways, but leaves no space over for reading, thinking and writing.

3 thoughts on “my paper’s in the third AoIR annual!

  1. Wilson

    You know, you scared me for a moment, there. I though the AoIR in your text was the Annals of Improbable Research (www.improbable.com)…

  2. orangemcm.

    i dropped in your blog via ethno::log, where your phd thesis has been linked
    (im student in bremen, germany and researching on scientific concepts of virtual reality) and just wanted to say: congrats! the a(o)ir annual seems to me being a great means to b published through. moreover i get encouraged to put more serious- and selfconsciousness on my work.


  3. […] finishing up – well, not research exactly. Just getting permissions to reprint pictures in my paper on distributed narrative for the AoIR Annual, which has taken an hour because of its stickliness. See, even r […]

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