I’m filling out the marketing form for my book on blogging (copy-editing done; proofs next!), and they want me to provide a list of fifteen people who might adopt the book in teaching – I’m assuming the publisher will send desk copies to these people, or at least to most of these people. If you think you might use the book with your students, leave a comment here and I’ll add you to the list 🙂

Oh, and any ideas for conferences, professional associations, academic journals, journalists or “bloggers” (the form amusingly uses scare quotes for this) that the marketing department should contact would be great too. I have a number, but I figure more wouldn’t hurt!

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23 thoughts on “might you use my “blogging” book in your teaching?

  1. John Breslin

    Hi Jill – sounds cool – add me to your list 🙂

    I teach http://teaching.deri.ie/login/index.php (login as guest).

    Are you coming to BlogTalk 2008? See http://2008.blogtalk.net

  2. John Breslin

    The actually course link is http://teaching.deri.ie/course/view.php?id=6 – oops!

  3. jeremy

    I might use it, depending on where I am next and what I’m teaching. I used Axel’s book on blogging last time for my web 2.0 course.

  4. dave

    Your book would definitely be one I would consider teaching.(David Parry)

  5. Krista

    Oh, I might certainly use it in my Internet Tools & Issues or Emerging Tech in STC courses. Right now, I’m using Bruns & Jacobs’ “Uses of Blogs.”

  6. noah

    Sure. Both this year and next I’m teaching a “Communicating and Computers” course that involves blogging. Your book sounds like a good one for it.

  7. collin

    Add me to the list, too. I’m teaching a computers and writing course in the fall…


  8. Jen Cypher

    I would use it for my Humanities course on technology and communication!

  9. amanda

    Hi Jill – I teach on social software and media at an Information Studies school here in Ontario (Faculty of Information & Media Studies, University of Western Ontario, to be exact!). I would definitely consider your book to include in my course readings – in fact, I can’t wait to get my hands on it!

    Amanda Etches-Johnson

  10. dr. b.

    Count me in. It might come in handy in my Computers in Language and Rhetoric and New Media seminars. (Samantha Blackmon) The courses are linked from my blog.

  11. Anne Helmond

    I am a New Media Lecturer/Instructor at the University of Amsterdam at the Media Studies department.
    I just graduated with a Master thesis titled ëBlogging for Engines. Blogs under the Influence of Software-Engine Relationsí so I am particularly focused on blogging in my research.

    Coincidentally, I just talked to two people today who are thinking about organizing a blogging conference in Amsterdam.

  12. Lisbeth Klastrup

    hi jill, forgot to say yesterday, but of course Im also interested in _owning_ the book 🙂 – would come in useful for my Digital Rhetorics course, that Im also teaching next term..Hope u’re safely back in Bergen, nice seeing you!

  13. Kirk

    Count me in J;

    kirk.hughes@yale.edu and hughesk9@southernct.edu

    Teach over here in New Haven.

  14. Jason Mittell

    I’d consider using it in my Media Technology course!

  15. Carolyn Campbell

    Jill, I’m not sure if a copy could make it over to me in Canada but I’m definitely interested.

  16. Chuck

    I’d consider using it in my “Using Technology in the Language Arts” grad seminar if I get the opportunity to teach that again. I taught at least one of your essays the last time I taught that course (I can’t remember which one, but would be happy to dig it up, if you like).

  17. James Smythe

    I would use it when teaching. I’m looking for decent books on blogging to give to students when discussing Creative Writing and New Media, so yours would come in handy.

  18. Myriam

    You can add me to your list!
    That would be very useful – I use it and promote the use of the blog in second language didactics.

  19. Wendy Freeman

    I would use it when teaching. I’m looking forward to its publication!

  20. Jill Walker Rettberg

    Thanks for all the responses! I’m happy to add you all, but I need more than just your name – I need the name and address of the institution where you teach, and the title of the course you might use the book in. If you don’t want to leave that info here in public you can email it to me at jill.walker.rettberg@uib.no.

  21. Anne Helmond

    I’d love to use it in the OriÎntatie Nieuwe Media (Introduction New Media) course I am teaching. My full info is:

    University of Amsterdam
    Media Studies Department – Anne Helmond, room 1.13
    Turfdraagsterpad 9
    1012 XT Amsterdam
    the Netherlands

    University page

  22. Christian Bech

    Based on your previous writing I’ll definitely use it for my new media courses. The most recent one is here: http://internetformidling.dk/web2.0 it’s calles “Organisationers og virksomheders brug af Web 2.0”

    Christian Bech
    Institute of Information and Media Studies
    University of Aarhus
    Helsingforsgade 14
    DK-8200 Aarhus N

  23. Sanjay Jobanputra

    I came across details of your forthcoming book in the Polity press booklet (UK April 2008). I can’t wait to read it when it is published (or even before it is published?)! I teach a module called Basic I.T. Skills for first year psychology students. They are likely to find it useful. In addition, I am currently engaged in research with a couple of other colleagues in the Department of Psychology at the University of Westminster (UK), exploring students’ use of blogs and wikis as part of their teaching. We have collected the data and are in the process of analysing them. Hopefully, we’ll be presenting the data at a conference next academic year. I would be interested in comparing your text with our findings.

    Sanjay Jobanputra
    Department of Psychology
    University of Westminster
    309 Regent Street
    WIB 2UW

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