first second Norwegian politician’s blog is born! [after Helga Pedersen‘s, see Lars’s comment to this post.] At least I think it’s the first second. Kristin Halvorsen is the leader of SV, the Socialist Left Party, who got 12,5% of the votes in the last national elections, making them fairly significant in parliament. She released a book (Rett fra hjertet or Straight from the Heart) a couple of days ago and the blog seems to be a companion piece, coming with a new website focussed on communication. Unfortunately the first (and for now only) two entries are written by Roger, her personal assistent, because Kristin’s too busy. Which is understandable but, well, maybe a personal blog isn’t the format such a busy person should take. The comments so far are almost all from right wingers wanting to pick a fight. I feel exhausted just looking at them. But you never know, it might work out well. It’s great to see politicians experimenting with new ways of keeping in touch with their constituents. I’ve written several previous posts on blogging politicians – a search for politicians blogs brings up most of the posts. And here, for future reference, is a full-size screenshot of what Kristin Halvorsen’s site looks like today. (Thanks to Kev for pointing this out!)
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jill/txt » Margot Wallstr??m’s blog
[…] cal. (Found through Marie’s blog – she’s an Aussie in Sweden) (And see also my post a few months back about Kristin Halvorsens blog)
Filed under:General — Jill @ 12:51 […]
Not quite the first.
Helga Pedersen, “fylkesordf??rer” (what’s that in English?) of Finnmark, blogged the 2003 election campaign. The entire blog is still online, ending on september 24th last year.
Thanks, Lars! Useful fact 🙂
Asgeir S.
Only too sad she doesn’t publish an RSS feed. Does anybody read blogs outsides Bloglines / feedreaders these days?
jill/txt » president of iran blogs
[…] I wrote yesterday about how blogs are becoming mainstream, and in a comment to that post, Trond reminded me that the president of Iran now blogs at Despite initial discussions of the blogs veracity (Boing Boing: “Either the presidential blog is fake, or they are total n00bs.“) it is now clear that the blog is official, though unlikely to be written by the president personally – politicians usually get their assistents to do their blogging. […]
Interesting to see that her blog died. This just continues the tradition of the socialist left not being able to fulfill _any_ promise they make.
Jaime Rafael Cabrera Letona
ood afternoon,
My name is Jaime Rafael Cabrera Letona,
I am current Philosofy’s student in San Carlos University of Guatemala.
I have contact to you because I read in newspaper and many news agencies around the world about the exclusion of Wal-Mart of the Norwegian Goverment Pension Fund because WalMart has anti-ethic practices.
Could you so kind to advise me,
Is anyplace or Internet site where I can download or look what companies are in blacklist?
My interesting is about ethics. I must to give an essay of “…tica de la LiberaciÛn” and I think that the labour of Norwegian Goverment to protect humans rights is very good to countries like my own, Guatemala.
Thanks for your time an help,