Is it normal to check one’s own blog several times a day just in case it’s updated – even though one knows one hasn’t done a thing?

I could pretend it was to see if there were any comments. But I already checked that through the WordPress dashboard.

Maybe I need a ghostblogger.

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14 thoughts on “just in case

  1. Francois Lachance


    Could you elaborate? Checking the blog. Does that mean the latest entry? the sidebar material? the look and feel? As you can imagine by these questions, the concept of “blog” is for me a composite one. It is a handy term with several referents. For example at one point in time many blogs featured blog rolls and that was a hand way of checking to see if someone had posted recently. I think that Dr. Walker checks the jill/txt blog to cast her eye on the illustration that acts as a banner …

  2. b¯rge

    This is perfect! I’m looking for a job for the summer. I could be your ghostblogger! How much do you pay..? 🙂

  3. weez

    The answer is “yes” if it is a slow day…which happens on occassion.

    And could you provide a job dscription for this ghostblogger position?

  4. William Wend

    Jill I also do that. I check the layout and sidebar 3-4 times a day to make sure nothing has changed since the last time I looked. I also have posts set to auto post (right now I try to do one a day) so I check for that also.

  5. Steven

    I like visiting my site throughout the day to check for comments and to read the latest entries. I’m not sure why, maybe because I find the content appealing. On the other hand, I also occasionally like listening to the compositions that I wrote. Not so much because I think they’re good musically but just because they’re mine, and I like to remember that :~) I also re-read entries to look for typographical errors.

  6. Jill

    Ah, so I’m not abnormal, then? And WHAT I look at? It’s actually mostly just sort of checking in, I think. I don’t scroll down – I do note whether there are new comments, but mostly it’s an act of reassurance that it’s still there. I think.

    Ghostblogger job description: Seeking skilled impersonator to write posts allegedly to be written by Jill. Must even convince Jill herself that she has indeed been blogging.

    Sound about right?

  7. Martin

    I do that too. It’s like a safe place on the www. A base of operations of sorts. I think I go back there in the same way that I go back to my house between appointments during the day or something.

  8. Rambukk

    A personal blog is more than just a blog, you know. It¥s personal. Like a pet, it needs attention. You can¥t just write and publish a text and leave it drifting out in cyber-space on its own. Poor thing.

  9. JoseAngel

    And besides, you know, it’s your other self, so it’s a bit like looking at yourself in a mirror in passing, no reason why you shouldn’t do it. B.t.w., some computer screens do reflect your face when the computer is turned off. Isn’t that eerie and unheimlich, too, thinking of your blog in front of a dark reflecting screen?

  10. Esther

    I do that all the time. And a pet is a good description…especially as you have to clean its comments up, sometimes it goes missing and you aren’t sure why, it is often pleasing to the eye, it does things you’d rather it didn’t sometimes and it knows you a lot better than you think, but doesn’t engage with you the same way as you engage with it…and so on.

  11. Jill

    Oh, yes, the pet metaphor works… and the other self too, actually. Like the way it’s hard to pass a mirror without casting a glance in it just to check that I’m still there…

  12. Lisa Firke

    This post made me laugh, because, of course, I had been checking my own blog. And I don’t even have comments enabled!

  13. Wesley

    I know excacly what you mean, Jill. These days I’m totally absorbed by my blog (my real blog too, since this one is my secret one. I stumbled past your entrance about creating a secret blog and recognized myself – isn’t it a pity that nobody cares to read the god damn thing?

    However – I enjoyed your blog very much. I wish I had the talent to use html in my blogs as you do.

    Kind regards
    Wesley W.

  14. jill/txt » rituals of closure

    […] Unlike paper diaries, blogs are intended to be read not only by our future selves but by others as we write. Does the presence of the actual reader (indicated by statcounters, links and comments) substitute for the presence of the future, or do we still create our blogs partly as little time capsules sent to ourselves? I wonder whether my main target audience might be myself? I reread my blog constantly, especially the most recent posts which are visible whenever I check on it, but also to find specific things I wrote about, or sometimes to see what I was thinking at a particular time. I’ve never read it all in order as I sometimes read through old paper diaries. All journal writing assumes the intention to write at least one more time, an entry that will call for yet [End Page 100] another one, and so on without end. (..) To “finish” a diary means to cut it off from the future and integrate that future in the reconstruction of the past. […]

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