Our new fagreferent buys every book I ask for. Good thing, too, cos the list of new books I want is far too long for my personal book budget. My latest list is below, and do you know, hardly any of these are owned by any library in Norway. I suppose they are mostly very new. Oh, being an academic has its joys! [update: Our friendly library has even got the world’s first (I think) institutional subscription to Rhizome.org! Isn’t that clever of us! It’s not quite linked up yet but the deal is made]

Katie Salen and Eric Zimmerman: Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals: MIT Press 2003.

Nick Montfort: Twisty Little Passages. MIT Press, desember 2003

Rieser, Martin: New Screen Media. 2002.
Denne fins i BIBSYS, de har den p UHS.

Jay David Bolter and Diane Gromala: Windows and Mirrors
Interaction Design, Digital Art, and the Myth of Transparency. MIT Press, November 2003.

Virtual Art: From Illusion to Immersion (Leonardo Books)
by Oliver Grau (Author)

Christiane Paul: Digital Art, Thames & Hudson, 2003.

Maria Fernandez, Faith Wilding, and Michelle M. Wright (red. ): Domain Errors; Cyberfeminist Practices, Autonomedia, 2003.
ISBN 1-57027-141-0

Judy Malloy (red:) Women, Art and Technology. MIT Press, 2003.

Justine Cassell and Henry Jenkins (red): From Barbie to Mortal Kombat : gender and computer games. MIT PRess 1998.
— denne fins pĂ‚ andre bibliotek, ikke hos oss – men har flere studenter som vil skrive om kjÂŻnn og dataspill, sĂ‚ denne hadde vĂŠrt god Ă‚ ha.

William J. Mitchell: Me++ The Cyborg Self and the Networked City. MIT Press 2003.

Geert Lovink: Uncanny Networks: Dialogues with the Virtual Intelligentsia . MIT Press 2002.

Thomas Y. Levin, Ursula Frohne and Peter Weibel: CTRL [SPACE]
Rhetorics of Surveillance from Bentham to Big Brother. MIT Press 2003.

Henry Jenkins and David Thorburn (red): Democracy and New Media. MIT Press 2003.

Christina Wodtke: Information Architecture: Blueprints for the Web. New Riders, 2002.

Earl Morrogh: Information Architecture: An Emerging 21st Century Profession. Prentice Hall, 2002.

Derek Powazek: Design for Community

Jeffrey Zeldman: Designing With Web Standards

3 thoughts on “i love my library

  1. torill

    Oooh, fin liste! Den stjeler jeg!

  2. Jill

    Like greit 🙂

  3. Blogg og bibliotek

    Bloggere liker bibliotekarer, bibliotekarer liker bloggere?
    To av norges stÂŻrste og mest kjente blogger tilstĂ‚r nĂ‚ sin kjĂŠrlighet til bibliotekarer. De er begge akademikere, men Torill skryter mest av sin barndoms folkebiblioteks bibliotekar og sier at alle burde ha et bibliotek nĂŠre, som de kan elske….

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