6 thoughts on “holidays!!!

  1. JoseAngel

    Enjoy 2006 — and 2005, indeed, still two precious days to go.

  2. JoseAngel

    Hey, Jill, you OK? Wake up, it’s Monday – yawn.

  3. Jill

    Yeah, uh, I’m here… just somehow, uh, well, not really in a blogging mood. No idea why i still click the link to my blog now and then, I mean, I *know* I haven’t written anything.

    I guess you did, though 😉

  4. JosÈ Angel

    Maybe you are just giving too much importance to symbolic beginnings and ends. In Spain the standard phrase for the New Year is “a new year, a new life”– but nobody actually DOES it.

  5. nick

    I assumed your non-blogging was preparation for going ungoogleable.

  6. Jill

    Oh, I definitely considered that option… I fear the damage is done, though. Anyway, I usually feel like blogging again fter a while…


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