One of the things I love about blogging is that it combines immediate publication with the archive – and that the people who are directly involved in something discussed on a blog will very often show up and add their point of view to whatever the blogger wrote. So something that was posted and discussed months ago can be brought up again later, and the discussion will still be there, archived. And people involved in the issue can comment on it at any time, often re-starting the debate.

Today I found a comment in my moderation queue from Dan Britton, a co-author of 200 pages of (pro-copyright, anti-government regulation) statistics. Dan Britton explains that while he can see how the section on piracy, for instance, might be interpretated as having a political agenda, “itís really not intended to be a political tool at all, or at least I never had that impression when I was working on it”. Interesting to have a bit of an insight into the process of making the book – though I still think there’s reason to be aware that even statistics may be skewed.

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1 Comment

  1. Alex H.

    A close-quote got away from you on the URL for the book…

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