One of my students in DIKULT110: Kommunikasjon i sosiale medier is taking the course as part of her BA in French, and so needs to find French language sources and to write in French herself. Kristine Lowe (@kristinelowe) connected me to the wonderful HÈloÔse BriËre (@LOeez), who gave me lots of good starters for anyone looking for the French hubs of social media. I thought I’d share them here – I’m sure I’m not the only Anglo who’s interested!
- is “a brilliant website about new trends in the media industry”. This site was also recommended to me by @nicolaskb
- Emilie Ogez’ blogs a lot about social media, and is “well-known in Paris”
- There are interesting things at
- These are some interesting French social media people on Twitter: @FredCavazza, @eogez, @owni
And I must say, HÈloÔse herself writes interesting tweets. I also heard from @NicolasLoubet who tweets about social media in French and English.
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Esmail Yazdanpour
Reading: french discussions about social media: One of my students in DIKULT110: Kommunikasjon i sosiale medier is…
Héloïse Brière
RT @jilltxt: Thanks to @LOeez for great pointers to French-language sites about social media – I summarised them in my blog
Rhodri ap Dyfrig
RT @jilltxt Thanks to @LOeez for great pointers to French-language sites about soc. media – summarised on my blog
David Brake
What about ? He’s in San Francisco now but he’s French…
Jill Walker Rettberg
Good point, David! Though he mostly writes in English now, doesn’t he? This student has to actually find French-language material.
Merci, Jill, her er bloggen p fransk-norsk som jeg leser:
Mark Bernstein
Don’t forget the wonderful group at Paris 8 — Clement, Balpe, Saleh, and others! Nanard & Nanard at Montpelier as well,
Jill Walker Rettberg
Thanks for the reminder, Mark – but they’re more hypertext and e-lit than social media, aren’t they?