Openbook is a website that lets you search public status messages on Facebook. Try searching for “hate my boss” or “playing hooky” for interesting results. Or, as Twitter posts keep mentioning today, search for “mosk” to see how many people who hate muslims don’t know how to spell mosque.

I tried to send someone a message on Facebook including a link to Openbook, and was surprised when I couldn’t.

abusive or spammy

Then I tried to post a link to Openbook to my profile. Nope.

abusive or spammy

Of course I let Facebook know that I think this is an error. Because come ON – censoring a website so obviously critical of them? Not impressive.

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11 thoughts on “facebook censors website critical of it

  1. Mad Mullah Hastur

    Ouch! How come a larger an organization becomes, the stupider it gets?

  2. Tama Leaver

    Really quite insistent, aren’t they? I couldn’t even post this: “Can I really not post this link? http:// your open book .org/ (Middle bit = one word.)”


  3. William Patrick Wend

    So glad I quit Facebook a few months ago.

  4. Frances Lievens

    At least they still let me link to this post!

  5. bibliobabl

    facebook censors website critical of it

  6. bibliobabl

    facebook censors website critical of it

  7. augusII

    Currently Browsing:

  8. augusII

    Censorship #FACEBOOK- READ THIS Censura. Impedir el flujo d informacion es crimen de lesa humanidad. Reglas inhumanas.

  9. KDS

    I never was on Facebook, but Openbook is quite interesting; it could be used as a linguistic corpus (try snuck vs. sneaked), wish I could get frequencies out of it…
    By the way, I read that some Norwegian bloggers were offered bottles of champagne by wine importers in the hope that these products would be discussed on the blog, which incidentally might be illegal if considered an ad for booze. Have you been offered bubbles?

  10. Jill Walker Rettberg

    I don’t know where all my blogger freebies are – I guess the marketers don’t feel that academic bloggers are the right group to target. Pity, I’d love some bubbly 🙂

    You could definitely use Facebook as a corpus. There are ways of downloading the lot of it, I believe – an API or something. After all, Openbook can do it, so I guess you could program something. Maybe someone has?

  11. […] A thought I’ve been having lately is that Facebook seems to be doing all of these things that were such hot topics while I was writing my Master’s Thesis – but very seemlessly. It’s almost unnoticed. But there are bits and pieces. Like when Dr. Jill Walker Rettberg was censored or that Facebook keeps growing its virtual currency. Personally I’m very freaked out by open graph, but I’ll save that to another post. […]

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