After a well-earned vacation, danah boyd has returned to blogging and has posted her dissertation Taken Out of Context: American Teen Sociality in Networked Publics online. danah is a pioneering scholar of social networking sites, a she-really-only-JUST-got-her-PhD!? kind of researcher who has already done so much important work – and who is extremely good at getting her message out there, speaking at conferences and meetings across the world and participating in commercial research as well as research aimed at establishing policies.
So I’m thrilled to be able to read her dissertation. I’m printing the whole thing as I write, because this is something I want to be able to curl up with and a piece of writing I’m sure I’ll be referring to in my own work.
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Jill Walker Rettberg
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Les jeunes dans les r?©seaux sociaux: la th?®se de Danah Boyd est en ligne! « Du cyberespace ?†la cit?© ?©ducative…
[…] janvier 2009 · Pas de commentaire Belle surprise, ce matin, en lisant jill/txt — j’apprends que la th?®se de doctorat deDanah Boyd est maintenant disponible en ligne! […]
Weekly Reader | William Patrick Wend
[…] Via Jill, I am slowly engrossing myself in danah boyd’s freshly published dissertation about social networks. […]