Terri Senft is also working on selfies, and started up a Selfie Research Network on Facebook the other day. The group already has 180 members and is a very active site of sharing and conversation. There’s a Zotero bibliography and a shared […]
I got a pile of books about the history of self-portraits at the UIC library yesterday, and I’m particularly enjoying Raynal Pellicer’s Photo Booth: The Art of the Automatic Portrait (Abrams, New York, 2010; translated from French by Antony Shugaar). There are […]
Lisa Boncheck Adams (@AdamsLisa) is a mother of three who has tweets and blogs about her life with cancer. Adams is currently undergoing radiation treatment and has been writing about the pain of side effects, with fairly detailed descriptions of the mechanics of […]
I’m reading an interesting just-published paper by Meryl Alper, “War on Instagram”, about how (read it at New Media & Society or without the paywall at Academia.edu) The paper discusses how photojournalists are using smartphones and in particular Instagram and Hipstamatic to […]
I just noticed the year view of iCal gives me a nice intensity chart of how busy my life has been over the last few years, at least in terms of how many meetings and calendar events I have. In 2007 […]
Notes for a workshop I’m giving at a local high school today on visualising your Facebook network. Dette er stikkord til en workshop jeg skal ha på Nordahl Grieg videregående skole i dag om hvordan man visualiserer Facebooknettverket sitt i Gephi, en […]
Roberto Simanowski is giving the second keynote at Remediating the Social. It is titled The Compelling Charm of Numbers: Writing for and Thru the Network of Data, and you can read the full paper in the PDF of the proceedings or watch […]
I’m fascinated by the many ways in which we use technology to see ourselves, and while I’ve mostly explored personal biometrics like FitBit, self-portraits with digital cameras and of course, blogs, I also wonder about the trend in personal DNA analysis as […]
Computers make more and more aspects of work into data that can be collected and monitored, according to Shoshana Zuboff’s In the Age of the Smart Machine (1984), writes Rob Horning in The New Inquiry, and he takes her argument forwards into the age of the […]
I gave a talk on technologically mediated self-representations (have to come up with a sexier term for that, it doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue) this morning for Piksels & Lines, a research seminar and workshop for the Libre Graphic Research Unit that’s ongoing […]
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