
unfortunately impermanent

Judy Horacek’s topic of the month is No War, and there are some excellent cartoons in there. My favourite is this fantasy of John Howard thinking he’s having visions of peace signs. If only… [Image used with Judy Horacek’s permission. You can […]


Yesterday I was fiddling with colours, toying with stylesheets and thinking to myself how much easier it is to refurbish a blog than to, say, paint my kitchen. Then I started counting the hours I’ve spent learning MoveableType, adapting templates, rebuilding stylesheets, […]

in transition

The layout of this blog is in transition – having moved to MoveableType I want to make things like links from other blogs to posts in this blog very visible – I want to emphasise the network. Of course there aren’t any […]

moving to moveabletype

This is my first post to jill/txt using MoveableType. I started blogging in October 2000. It was reading Caterina.net I realised what blogging was about. I can’t remember how I found Caterina, but once found I loved what I read: her beautiful […]