Update July 2014: a newer dataset is available that includes 44 dissertations (here is the gephi file), and the final paper is now published: Rettberg, Jill Walker. 2014. “Visualising Networks of Electronic Literature: Dissertations and the Creative Works They Cite.” ebr: electronic […]
I’m showing students in our student research course DIKULT207: Digital Humanities in Practice: Project Work on Developing a Scholarly Database of Electronic Literature how to use Gephi to visualise data from the ELMCIP database this morning, and I realised we hadn’t put the actual […]
Notes for a workshop I’m giving at a local high school today on visualising your Facebook network. Dette er stikkord til en workshop jeg skal ha på Nordahl Grieg videregående skole i dag om hvordan man visualiserer Facebooknettverket sitt i Gephi, en […]
On Tuesday the students in my upper-level undergraduate course on social media presented their visualisations of their Facebook networks, and it was so interesting! There is quite a broad variety in how these networks look. Some students had large but very dense […]
I’m excited to be off to the Digital Methods Winter School in Amsterdam tomorrow! The first day is a mini conference (and look at all the interesting stuff in the reader!) and then there’s a three day workshop where we actually do […]
I’ve been following Lada Adamic’s MOOC* on Social Network Analysis for a few weeks now and am loving it. As I learn more about networks I’m realising how many ways there will be to visualise the connections in the ELMCIP Knowledge Base […]
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