On Tuesday the students in my upper-level undergraduate course on social media presented their visualisations of their Facebook networks, and it was so interesting! There is quite a broad variety in how these networks look. Some students had large but very dense […]
I co-authored two new debate pieces this week, one on university democracy, where Vigdis Broch-Due, who is running for Pro-Rector, was the primary author, and one on the need to improve gender balance at the University of Bergen. Both are important topics. […]
Last week, I taught a three hour class on Nordic electronic literature into our first year undergraduate course DIKULT103: Digital Genres: Digital Art, Electronic Literature and Computer Games. The course is taught in English, and we usually have about 40 students where […]
I’m excited to be off to the Digital Methods Winter School in Amsterdam tomorrow! The first day is a mini conference (and look at all the interesting stuff in the reader!) and then there’s a three day workshop where we actually do […]
After writing a blog post about open access, Bente Kalsnes asked today for practical suggestions on how to be an Open Access researcher. Here’s how: Publish in open access journals. If you’re in Norway, you’ll also want to search DBH’s list of approved […]
This morning I got to meet our new Bachelor of Digital Culture students teaching the class on cybertext in our Digital Genres: Digital Art, Electronic Literature, and Computer Games course. I was going to just walk students through the taxonomy and try […]
Three days ago, internet activist Aaron Swartz killed himself, as has been reported widely across social and traditional media. He killed himself on the second anniversary of being arrested for having downloaded thousands of academic articles from JSTOR via a laptop hidden […]
We’ve had a Facebook page for our Atakan for rektor 2013 campaign for, oh, several weeks already (follow us!), and today I saw our opponents, Team Olsen, have set up a Facebook page too. Dag Rune Olsen is already an establisehd blogger […]
For just over a year, I’ve been going to Oslo once a month to discuss hindrances for innovation and growth in digital content and services in Norway with an incredibly inspiring group of people: lawyers, consumer rights’ advocates, programmers, a couple of […]
[This Norwegian post is about early blogging history in Norway. English posting will resume shortly!] Kristian Bjørkelo redigerer en antologi med arbeidstittelen Bloggnoreg, som kommer ut på Humanist forlag om noen måneder, og jeg har fått i oppdrag å skrive et kapittel […]
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