
The author has 275 posts

Lesson plan: Nordic electronic literature

Last week, I taught a three hour class on Nordic electronic literature into our first year undergraduate course DIKULT103: Digital Genres: Digital Art, Electronic Literature and Computer Games. The course is taught in English, and we usually have about 40 students where […]

How to be an open access scholar

After writing a blog post about open access, Bente Kalsnes asked today for practical suggestions on how to be an Open Access researcher. Here’s how: Publish in open access journals. If you’re in Norway, you’ll also want to search DBH’s list of approved […]

Digital Art Teaching

Teaching the cybertext taxonomy with dice

This morning I got to meet our new Bachelor of Digital Culture students teaching the class on cybertext in our Digital Genres: Digital Art, Electronic Literature, and Computer Games course. I was going to just walk students through the taxonomy and try […]

Norsk blogghistorie

[This Norwegian post is about early blogging history in Norway. English posting will resume shortly!] Kristian Bjørkelo redigerer en antologi med arbeidstittelen Bloggnoreg, som kommer ut på Humanist forlag om noen måneder, og jeg har fått i oppdrag å skrive et kapittel […]