- My belly’s big enough now that I can’t bend over comfortably, or pull on my stockings, or zip up my boots. The fun second trimester’s definitely over.
- My normal walk to work – thirty minutes, which I usually love – is unusually exhausting.
- My stomach muscles are stretched to the point of uselessness. Getting up from any seated position other than a straight-backed chair, or from a lying position, involves puffing and panting and cunning use of arms.
- Did I mention I’m a lot more tired than usual? Not really sleepy – just tired. Not much energy over for blogging – or even for washing the mark left from that week-old cat puke properly off the floor. (Oh dear. I did vaccuum. And I promise I’ll wash the floor more when the baby starts crawling on it…)
- The lovely barrista at Kaos saw my belly and announced that they serve free cake to pregnant and breastfeeding women! Cake is something I can eat LOTS of these days, so I’ll be a frequent customer…
- There’s no way you could see my belly and wonder whether I just gained a lot of weight recently. I’m very definitely pregnant…
- Only nine weeks until we meet our little baby girl!
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best. thing. ever.
here’s “ours”.
Yay! How exciting. 🙂
wow, (slightly belated) congrats!
Heh, I can relate… I’m about 5 weeks behind where you are, it seems, so just starting to get big. But I’m starting to get too tired to clean up such things as – in my case – dog puke that was produced right when last week’s house cleaning got done.
I hope all continues to go well for you & baby!
How’s the knitting going, hmmm? 🙂
Gratis kake? Bergen m vÊre et fint sted. I k¯benhavn blir man bare kasta ut hvis man ammer (sant! Det blir flere og flere babyfascister her. Bu).
Maybe the baby is there already, but if not, try to notice everything about being pregnant. When it’s over it seems completely improbable. I had my son on the 28th of January and pregnancy seems like a fantasy, not like something that actually happened to me – much like the actual baby seemed when he was still in my belly. It’s very odd.
haha! I’m 31 weeks too and I definately am glad people can tell I’m prenant and not just pudgy anymore,