Month: August 2007

copyediting the World of Warcraft Reader

MIT Press sent us the copyedited version of the World of Warcraft Reader last week, so now Hilde and I, and most of the contributors, are going through the manuscript considering all those little red marks. I must say, I’m really impressed […]

moving offices

I finally realised that the reason I feel like I’m all hunched up in my new office is not that I suddenly became more hunching but that the desk in here is five cm too low for me. No wonder I’m in […]

conflicting advice for pregnant women

Megnut has a great post on how she ate during pregnancy and why – instead of just following every one of the ridiculous list of items Not To Eat, she actually researched why you’re not supposed to eat them. If it crosses […]

birthes mening

My friend Birthe Taraldset recently started blogging at Birthes mening. Birthe is a lawyer who’s done important work on whistle-blowing, was on the recent government committee to suggest legislation on computer-based crime, and is an active debater in the Norwegian media. She […]

how politicians should respond to youtube questions

Henry Jenkins has some interesting notes on the recent YouTube/CNN debates. If you’re American you know all about them, if not you might want a recap: for the first televised debates between the Democrats’ presidential candidates, CNN and YouTube collaborated and asked […]