Month: October 2003

matrix ARG

Had a look at the Alternate Reality Game (ARG) promoting the latest Matrix movie yet? It’s centred around the at first glance run-of-the-mill Metacortex site, perhaps continuing via their employee of the month’s personal website. At some point you’ll probably want to […]


This morning I saw large crumpled leaves still clinging to the stalk but withered by the first night frost. I wrapped an old woollen scarf three times around my neck before going outdoors. I don’t want to crumple.


A choir just started practicing in the downstairs hall! Fullbodied choral music halted only by occasional laughter. I’ve opened my office door and I guess I’ll do my grading here instead of going home as intended. At least until rehearsal’s over.


Hanne-Lovise’s seeing five films today, whereas I’ve only seen one in the whole film festival: Comandante, Oliver Stone’s 100 minute film of his 30 hour interview with Fidel Castro. It was a great movie, though god knows I’m sure they’re all liars, […]

To do list for defence

What I have to do now: Write a press release. University photographer: make appointment, go. Write a summary in English for Dissertation Abstracts International. Get an ISBN number (ISBN: 82-497-0183-6). Make sure the dissertation is registered in BIBSYS. Have 40 copies made […]


The fifteenth ACM conference on Hypertext will be the first to accept hypertext submissions. About time, and good on ’em. The conference is in Santa Cruz, August 9-13 next year, and submissions due in March.

worthy of being defended

The faculty sent me the committee’s report electronically, to reach me more speedily: It is the judgement of the committee that Jill Walkerís dissertation displays the depth and breadth of research, command of the field, and original character required of the PhD. […]


I returned from an hour of silent twilight on Ulriken to the stifling intensity of the city. There was talking everywhere, a shop, a siren, lasers piercing the sky, a tractor beside a half-dug ditch, a woman with a dog asking directions. […]


Oh look, two of Shelley Jackson’s words are commenting over on Heather is “required” and Jon is the fifth “the” in the fourth paragraph.


I’m reading Mrs Dalloway (it’s wonderful) and as in every British novel set in upper class 19th or early 20th century Britain they keep talking about how much people have a year. To keep his Indian divorcee, her children, and himself, Peter […]