The humanities faculty is reorganising into fewer, larger departments, and humanistic informatics will be with comparative literature, comparative linguistics, nordic language and literature, theatre studies, classics and art history – should be a really interesting mix. Tomorrow and the next day we’re all having a seminar out at Solstrand to get to know each other, and everyone’s been making posters of research projects to hang up on the walls so we can wander around and see what the other 80 odd researchers in our new department are up to. I made the poster for our games research (well, mainly World of Warcraft research as far as I’m concerned, but Hilde and Silje do other game research too) and Scott made one for our work on electronic literature.

This is the first time I’ve made a poster. It turned out OK, considering that and the fact that I only had two hours to do it in. I had planned to do it properly in InDesign. I even bought the Classroom in a Book for InDesign and installed the software – but after three minutes I was frustrated and went back to Photoshop. Some day I really will learn how to use other software…

Apart from that, I’ve been planning group work for the seminar, preparing a ten minute presentation of our (current, small) department, trying to read more of the chapters from our WoW anthology and oh, I’m sure there was something else too but I’ve forgotten it. By Wednesday morning I have to participate in the seminar for two full days (which’ll be fun), read the remaining four WoW chapters and prepare teaching on Wednesday morning.

My daughter, after spending a week at the office with me, told me that she thinks we have to do a lot more work at work than at school. There isn’t even any friminutt (recess/break) at work.

But I only have 119 days left till my Sabbatical officially starts! Yeeha!!

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3 thoughts on “making posters and being busy

  1. willy pepper

    Hei Jill
    AngÂende plakaten din liker jeg det asymmetriske formsprÂket ditt, som en som jobber med  lage slike ting hver dag synes jeg du burde lÊre deg InDesign;-)

  2. Jill

    Ja, jeg fÂr lÊre med InDesign – ser at det kan vÊre nyttig for andre ting ogsÂ… Og det var jo litt festlig med plakater, da 🙂

  3. […] We made a poster about humanistic informatics, too, when we were doing the research project posters on electronic literature and game research. Those of you who can read Norwegian can, well, read it, the rest of you can enjoy the pretty fonts. Ha. […]

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