I am now incapable of writing “wow” without capitalising the final W. WoW. World of Warcraft.

Oh dear. Constant editings of conversationally written wows in emails and flickr comments…

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4 thoughts on “WoW!

  1. JosÈ Angel

    Well, one of the (mixed?) blessings of the Web is that we get to develop a tolerance for deviant or event aberrant spellings – or are they expressive and creative spellings? At least that applies to online writing, especially in some genres. I wouln’t be correcting many emails and flickr comments myself, but then again, le style c’est la femme…

  2. JosÈ Angel

    Even, event. We’re even. I didn’t intend to provide a demonstration of aberrant spelling, but blogs are so unfair with readers, we don’t get the chance correct our own replies… and so we get event more tolerant.

  3. Niklas

    Well Jill, I suggest that you stop playing WoW then. It’s not even that good, it’s just a phenomenon.

  4. Jill

    Heh. Don’t worry Niklas, I’d rather figure out a new media phenonomen like WoW than retain my ability to write “wow”. Probably my emails and flickr comments will improve with less use of “wow” 😉

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